The music, cutscenes, and sound design make this game unforgettable. This is hard to describe, but in some games you walk through narrow corridors, where every room feels the same. In Deadly Tide, the player is transported under the ocean. I can feel the scale of the environment. Although the game itself is short, it's not just about the length of the game - but how it inspires you afterwards. Have you ever played a game where you immediately wanted to know what's next? I want to play more, I want to see more of this world, I want more games to be just like Deadly Tide. Why do I want this game on GOG? Because I don't think anyone can play it anymore. I bought a physical copy with a game CD. When I tried to play it on recent versions of Windows, Windows wouldn't even detect the CD. I had to uninstall Windows updates or pull my decade-old computer out of mothballs. People sometimes ask what game they would want to see remastered with the latest, cutting-edge graphics. Deadly Tide comes to mind. Don't let this game die. Don't let the non-existent franchise die. I want this game remastered, keeping the old music, sound effects, and cutscenes. The game ended on a cliffhanger. What if there was a sequel? What if there was a franchise? ...... Just watch the trailers and see for yourself.