I want this game on GOG because it is already on every other platform, and I would buy it again in a heartbeat.
This was such an unexpected curveball for me when it first came out. I had thought the Fate/Extra Extella part of the series would be left to rot, but imagine my surprise when it happened. Was able to get two of the Collector's Edition gladly.
It might have been a Dynasty Warriors with a Fate dressing, but it still drew me in and again reminded me what I love about the Extra/Extella storyline and hope for more. To see what would happen next. Falling in love with the scenes and characters, the tragedies and some of the humor in it, like with Medusa turning out to have a thing for the master character.
Seeing the characters continue to develop. The personal stories I love it all. It got me right in the feels, and I want it here as well to buy.