I remember that time where my family was trying to give me a gift that will align with my new "Hobby", the PC... My, now late, Godmother bought this for my birthday and I played for days.
I was mesmerized by the storyline, the videos, the game graphics and the gameplay, but it was pretty hard to finish the campaign for a person my age. Then I struck luck and figured out, with the help of my Sister, that the unit editor for Multiplayer sessions ( it was an integrated to the game balance tool for LAN games ) would keep the unit stats even when returning from a multiplayer game back to the campaign... that was it, the excitement kicked in and for the first time I felt like we figured something secret, a superpower that would make me finish the game, at last.
Unfortunately, the fact we could modify the unit stats on campaign took the fun out of the game, I still remember fondly the lesson "sometimes you might be better not getting your wish", IDDQD was the most help I had gotten in a game until then, but this was too much power.
tl;dr This game made me appreciate the journey a game developer has set up for their crowd, until then I felt I was lacking the skills, but after that Game I knew I just need to spend time and improve them.