It was around... 2007? I had just gotten a steam account, had redeemed my half-life keys, and was checking the store. Everything was so expensive for me at the time. Saw this game's trailer, and I was so impressed by it!, it looked so amazing! and the little story I watched intrigued me so hard! I had to have it! But no money... I found a way to play it, and passing through my first portal was an incredible experience! Not to mention all the floating and the use of magic that I hadn't seen in any game before this. Even tho I played through it, I decided I would buy it when I had the chance. It wasn't too far from then, when the game started to appear on Steam as "Sold Out" for some reason. How do you run out of copies for a game you sell digitally?! It was ridiculous! I couldn't even find it on stores anymore, and back then I didn't trust buying physical things online. Regardless, I bid my time, and waited. Perhaps it'd be "on stock" again at some point? Nope. It suddenly disappeared some time after. By the time I was able to spend a lot of money in a Steam Sale, it was not even remembered anymore in the store, and later; when they announced the new Prey, imagine my Immense Disappointment when I found out it wasn't a continuation, not even a retell or reimagining, of the scary, tragic and immensely cool adventure you had as Tommy in that horrible Sphere ship thing. It was something else entirely. I don't think there was even any reference to the original. People HAVE to be able to play this game. It's SO DAMN COOL! IDC if the name needs to be changed, call it Sphere, Tommy, The Hidden, IDK! You think of a cool name, even a lame one is ok. Just please, retrieve this Marvelous Gem from oblivion.