Seriously, this franchise is so cool, it's a crime that this game (and Solatorobo) never received a re-release.
My friend and I were engrossed in this game for a month.
The gameplay is simple but fun. Yes, it is a bit hard to control, but it is far from being unplayable.
The soundtrack is great, especially the Japanese opening song, which is beautifully EPIC.
The game's graphics are so beautiful that my friend kept questioning whether it was really a PS1 game (although for me that reaction was a bit exaggerated). The visuals have aged well compared to other games on the console, especially the enemies, which are very expressive.
This is perhaps one of the first 3D platform games with a well-crafted story. Sometimes it even feels like an RPG. Everything told through well-directed cutscenes for the time, with some animated cutscenes as if it were an anime. Even the American dubbing is acceptable for a PS1 game (Megaman X4 cough cough).
Seriously, the world building and characters alone make this game deserve at least a remaster and an anime to go with it.
Seriously, it's really sad to see games as cool as those in this series being so niche even with the developer giving their all. Seriously, support this game.
CyberConnect2 deserves better for what they do for these games.