(cross posting my wishlist story for Warcraft I into this wish ->)
Wow, the voting system to bring games to GOG (or back to GOG in this case I guess) really looks dashing. But before I digress I want to share why this game (and the second installment that I missed getting here in time) mean so much to me.
Warcraft 3 was my first Warcraft experience back in the day shortly after gaming was synonymous with console gaming to me and before I played a lot of PC games. You know, back when buying PC games on CDs was a thing.
Warcraft 1 and 2 are the hidden part to me whereas WoW just never clicked with me, guess mostly due to being a subscription. (I got my MMORPG experiences in, just not there)
I would love to play Warcraft 1 and 2 eventually and I'd love to be able to go back to those games whenever I feel like it and truth be told, I don't trust Blizzard at all keeping their legacy up in ways that respect my consumer rights. With GOG I have a little bit more of a trusted feeling knowing I can keep the installers on my terms, that there's no DRM and as long as GOG is around I guess there will be some efforts (and legal abilities) to patch any problems that get inbetween and old game and new computers and architectures.
I sadly missed getting W1 and 2 by mere days. I wouldn't call a bet on Blizzard bringing this back, but hope and dreams die last, so here I am.
If anything, Microsoft being the new owner of Blizzard (this really doesn't escape my lips lightly...) they could put their money (or commitment) where their mouth is when they claim they are about conserving video game history. I see their efforts on Xbox to make old games playable albeit I'd say it's also kinda due to them jumping architectures that they needed to invest so much effort into making old games play on newer consoles until they finally stuck with an architecture from One to Series S|X, but oh well...