TheCleaner517: I'm not too comp lit. so I wouldnt know how to run diablo from a batch file. Lol would love to replay it again.
IwubCheeze: It's not too hard, if you still have your original Diablo CD or an ISO of that CD, it's very easy to get it up and running again. The following works for me and I'm using Windows 7.
If you leave the game unpatched, you should be able to run the game exactly as you did it way back in 1997. No effort required :P
If you've patched the game to version 1.12, there's an extra step to get it working properly and it's a fairly trivial one. Install the game as normal. Open notepad and type the following:
@echo off
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
start explorer.exe
Save the file as Diablo.bat. Put the file into the Diablo folder. Double click the file to run the game. Enjoy Diablo 1 again :)
Thanks for the instructions on how to do it! I only have one problem now. I dont have my original diablo discs :( I had a huge big box collection but with my wife and 3 month old son, I had to get rid of them due to the amount of space they took up. However I did get a new ROG laptop out of it lol
TheCleaner517: Don't remember that one. What genre was it?
Almuyadin: Ascendancy was a space 4x, it was released a couple years after Master of Orion so it was nice addition to the genre. The aliens were non-humanoid and there were a lot of them iirc.
That's probably why I didnt hear of it. Master of Orion took the spot light right out the gate back then. Hmmm I'm going to look for it. Thanks for the input. Always a fan of 4x games.