kaboro: the strict iron fist moderation of GoG.
What the...? You clearly haven't been around here much. There's people here who can't stop to provoke fights over politics, gender or other controversial crap. This is going on for years already. There's a guy who calls everyone who doesn't agree with him a nazi. There's someone here who couldn't stop lecturing everyone about transgender stuff in completely random threads (this stopped and nowadays I even like some of this user's threads). At some point we even had a nutcase caling muslims "subhumans" and wishing gay people death. There was one dude with probably a hundred fake accounts who braced himself to scam users here (trading games). He couldn't get enough of telling us how GOG can't do shit about him and how he'll ruin this forum. Paying customers left because of him!
What we have now, is just the bare minimum of necessary moderation to stop people here from killing each other.
kaboro: Without moderation what will happen?
We had that already. Good users left the forums and never came back. Trolls started fights everywhere. Some users registered alt accounts to delete posts and threads by abusing the spam button (a certain number of spam reports will auto-delete a post/thread). Plus all the stuff I already mentioned above.
kaboro: With too much moderation what will happen?
GOG's forums will turn into a place where people talk about games and ask for support. Maybe that's a bit boring but... You gotta understand GOG, too. They're a storefront. They're not here to defend free speech. All they want is to sell games. It's not in their interest to hire one or two moderators to keep political discussions civil. Employees cost a lot of money and I doubt that GOG will sell more games just because they allow a handful of users to discuss controversial stuff on their forums.
It'd be awesome if we could get back to a pre 2013/2014 state, where there was no need for moderation (except the occassional "Keep it civil" post from a GOG employee every few weeks). We had political discussions in the early years of GOG. But we were just some users who respected each others opinions. But GOG grew a lot since then. It's not the niche store for old farts who love old games anymore. There's just too many users here for that.
kaboro: Where do we draw the line and based on what metrics?
It's not our line to draw. This is GOG's place. The current moderation already costs them money and I bet they don't want to spend even more just to allow us to have our little fights. "Fair" moderation costs a lot of time. And if users realize that there's a chance to discuss stuff with the mods, they'll... well, discuss with the mods - which'll cost even more time. That's some very expensive moderation. Why would GOG want to pay that? You always have to remember what this place is...
The problem is that GOG did nothing when things went south. It was just the forums. We had approximately two years without ANY kind of moderation. You couldn't even gift someone a game without getting a war started! There were users telling you HOW you have to gift games and to whom you have to gift them. If you didn't follow their rules, YOU were the reason why GOG turned to shit. You, who just was crazy enough to be nice enough to gift a game to a stranger...
GOG was a lost case. And thus came the day where people actually left this place and GOG had to do something. And how do you deal with a scammer with hundreds of alt accounts, obvious trolls and insecure loners who call everyone a fag*** or subhuman, just to belong to any group (even if it's just some pseudo right nuts)? Damn right, you ban the shit out of them! And that's what "saved" this place. Things are still heated, but at least you can start a giveaway again without being called "the reason why this place sucks".
Yes, deleting/closing threads is the solution. And I have to say that chandra is doing a VERY good job so far. There's more than just one warning before a thread gets closed. And don't worry about "abuse" (=getting threads you don't like closed). chandra isn't stupid. If we see that it's always the same people getting threads locked by starting fights, chandra can see it too. I'm pretty sure those people will be dealt with.
Maybe it'll turn the forums into a boring place... But GOG's not here to entertain us with discussions about politics. They're here to sell us games. And seeing how they struggle with their storefront and to get devs to deliver patches in a timely manner, I think there's more important stuff to do than to turn the forums into a beacon of hope for free speech.