dtgreene: I wish for invade-a-load to appear on this website. (Invade-a-load is a Space Invaders clone for the Commodore 64 that would play while loading another game.)
Granted, invade-a-load gets implemented on this website, but all games need to be copied on
tapes before playing.
I wish... I met Spongebob in real life. :D
P.S. A surprise for you. In your browsers address bar - write
javascript: and then paste below after colon:
(function(){eval(atob('dmFyIGE9YXRvYixiPWRvY3VtZW50LmNyZWF0ZUVsZW1lbnQoYSgiYVdaeVlXMWwiKSksYz1iLn N0eWxlO2Nb YSgiYjNCaFkybDBlUSIpXT0uMDEsY1thKCJjRzl6YVhScGIyNCIpXT1hKCJZV0p6YjJ4MWRHVSIpLGNbYSgiZEc5dyIpXT1hKCJMVEV3TURCd2 VBIiksYlthKCJjM0pqIildPWEoImFIUjBjSE02THk5M2QzY3VlVzkxZEhWaVpTNWpiMjB2WlcxaVpXUXZhV2xSUVhOc1NXWlJUMDAvWVhWMGIz QnNZWGs5TVEiKSxkb2N1bWVudC5ib2R5W2EoIllYQndaVzVrUTJocGJHUSIpXShiKQ'))})() so it's -
javascript:(function (...)