awalterj: I've been avoiding my own thread yet again, and today it's particularly hard.
Will reply to everyone later, for right now I'm using the strategy of physically staying away from the computer, it's the only thing that will work against a game release of this magnitude.
JudasIscariot: I hope you guys don't look at the front page, then :D :D :D
awalterj: Unfortunately, I did. It's the first page I visit every day even now that I'm on a self-imposed purchasing abstinence. But this is just too cruel, my toes are physically twitching as I aggressively wishlist everything and I have to turn off the computer immediately now before I falter in my recovering mission! I'm going to have to cast myself into carbonite or something to prevent myself from relapsing.
JudasIscariot: I hope you guys don't look at the front page, then :D :D :D
Gnostic: Noooooo I looked and I...... I must not give in...... I must not give it......
But there's KOTOR...... no I must not break the 700 barrier......
But hey, don't you want GoG to bring more publisher to the fold? What better way than showing them the number of sales?
Oh dang it, I Sinned again, since the milk has already been spilled, I demand The Jedi Knight Series and the Force Unleashed series so I can uninstall them from steam!!!