Germany 3 x 2 Uruguay, what a nice match And yes it will be great to watch the final, since both teams never had this final duel before. My guess is that Larissa will show us some love. :)
HertogJan: That Pedro guys fucked up yesterday.
If he was a team player he would have passed the ball instead of wasting a good chance
Agreed, there were some moments he wasn't playing for the team, and just for himself.
stonebro: So I've got 750 reasons to root for Spain...
Holy... $750? :O
Good luck. And what was your initial bet ($)?
cw8: US$20. Enough for 4 $5 GoG games or pay the shipping for the CE edition for Elemental.
Tough question... both are nice.
If the CE for Elemental is really limited I'd do go for it (and if you really like Elemental, of course).
You can always buy GOGs the next month,
but you can't buy this weekend's promo the next month... It's tough. :p