I took some religious study classes, and I don't recall any of these claimed occurrences. So I thought I'd do some research to refresh my memory, as I enjoy that sort of thing. Like any book written in ages past, one can simply read the Bible, and sometimes come away with an entirely different meaning than what was intended. It has to be taken in context of the era that it was written in, and the words surrounding the text should be considered as well.
Regarding slavery: Back in the days of Rome, many people had slaves. One of the more common reasons for slavery was debt repayment. Keep in mind this is the Roman law, and the Jews (which Christians first came from) had their own views on slavery. Eventually, Romans such as Claudius, Nero and others brought laws to help bring about better treatment of slaves, and more chances at gaining freedom from slavery. Christians were one of the few groups to oppose the idea of slavery, and campaigned for better treatment of slaves. Looking further into more "recent" history, we find strong examples of Christians fighting against slavery, trying to put an end to it, despite the
massive financial losses their nation would incur by abolishing the trade.
William Wilberforce is one popular example.)
A simple
internet search shows that it was not Jesus who mentioned slavery, but Paul and the disciples who discuss it long after Jesus' death. (The New Testament begins at Matthew and Jesus is almost entirely featured in the first four books.) The disciples were of the position that slaves should demonstrate respect to their masters as a way of demonstrating love towards them, and perhaps showing the love of God in their lives. Also, if they happened to be slaves, they might use it to further understand their position as a servant before God, their master. Recognizing the existence of slavery, and that they couldn't change Roman law in a day, the disciples dealt with it by using it to further Christianity. They also called on masters to treat their slaves with an equal amount of respect.
As to stoning, I performed another search. I found no instance of Jesus supporting stoning, let alone its practice on children. On [url=http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%208:1-11&version=NIV]one occasion[/url], he saves a woman from stoning, [url=http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%2010:25-33&version=NIV]another[/url] talks about a group of people wanting to stone Jesus for what they called blasphemy. Finally, I read an account where Jesus is telling a story that mentions some people wanting to stone a landowner's tenant. Unfortunately, in those days stoning was not an uncommon practice. Just as the Romans practiced crucifixion, so did many other cultures have their harsh forms of punishment.
No doubt, I'll be killed for actually posting something semi-positive regarding a religion, but it is certainly not the case that Jesus supported slavery or stoning. Though some would have you believe that he supported another kind of stoning... If you catch my meaning. ^_~
Regarding religious games, I must admit that most religious titles that I've seen or heard of, have been extremely poor in production quality. That part is indeed laughable.