keeveek: The world we live in is becoming pretty much Orwellian. Just see what they did with Gadhafi. Year ago eastern leaders were shaking his hand, inviting him over for diplomatic dinners and just couple months later
We are at war with Libya. We were always at war with Libya Next target: Iran.
To be fair, "the west" was rather reluctant to go into this one and it was pretty much started by the Libyans themselves.
And I will say here and now, that there won't be a war with Iran. Many people seem to forget that this country is hanging on by its fingernails in many regards. I say internal powershift within 26 month... (Unless Iran has a breakthrough with their nukes, than all bets are off)
And going back to domestic issues, I was under the impression that Tusk was much more liberal, also in domestic policy than that small guy I can't spell.