I recently finished a BioShock marathon of all three games back to back, subjecting them all to very detailed scrutiny. So it's time for a micro-essay on why I competely disagree with you!
Fenixp: Short version: Bioshock 2 is a game that, at least for me, surpassed the original in just about every possible way. It's a gem that sadly seems to have been more or less forgotten - if you have enjoyed the original at least a little bit, or, like me, completely forgot that a second game exists, get it and finish it now.
It does quite a few things better (namely: gun variety, plasmids, hacking, tonics, simplifying a lot of the nonsensical and clunky complexity that plagued BioShock – dumbed down my arse), that's without doubt. The people who made it understood BioShock really well, and saw what needed fixing. But it's still a pale shadow compared to the original, and here's why:
The story sucks. And what's worse, the narrative design sucks.
You see, the main reason why I hold BioShock and BioShock Infinite in impossibly high esteem is the originality of their storylines and the meticulous design of their plot. You hear people claim that BioShock was a reskinned SS2 and in many ways it was, but all it took from it in the story department was one plot beat. Everything else was new, spectacular, surprisingly deep and (obvious Rand influence aside) very original. A story of pride and rampant individualism, of the ugly side of human nature, exploring the pitfalls of one particular way of thinking, and most of all, a story about parenthood, the main theme that beautifully binds every single aspect of it together if you stop to think about it (
"All BS1 has is a single twist, nothing more really." – how you disappoint me, Fenixp). But more than that, this story is delivered with surgical precision.
Every single level in BioShock has a core theme (as in "idea", not just "setting"), and one or two supplementary themes, which are very carefully selected to gradually tell the entire story and include a few story hooks for things that come later (Welcome to Rapture – introducing objectivist utopia > Medical – splicing and its effects, Rapture's technical and social problems > Neptune - origin of ADAM, introducing Fontaine and Rapture's cop-and-smuggler underbelly > Arcadia - Ryan and his ruthlesness, introducing Atlas… and so on). Infinite does the exact same thing with the careful progression of its themes (introducing exceptionalist utopia > racism > Elizabeth > jingoism > etc.). What does BioShock 2 do?
Well, nothing. BioShock 2's story is blatantly unoriginal. First one was about extreme individualism, so let's go with extreme collectivism instead – alright, even though that's a rather obvious choice; religious cult fixated on a miracle person/child/artefact – unless that's your springboard to get to something stronger than that (wink, wink), that's pretty banal (and for me, BS2 triggered some pretty funny Dead Space 2 flashbacks). It also turns ADAM into universal plot hole filler much more so than BioShock did (Fontaine's transformation, silly as it was, had a fairly reasonable in-universe explanation, and a very neat Rand shoutout behind it; Lamb's plan doesn't have anything at all). They definitely understood the core themes, and tried shaking them up a little, but fell completely flat. There isn't much to the story and it's told in just about the most boring way possible. BioShock 2 is just a random collection of levels, focusing on different settings, but without any real structure to it. You can't do a close reading of BS2 (and trust me, I tried), because there simply are no interesting deep themes to focus on – just one bland thread running from beginning to end. One or two really nice ideas (the theme park ride, what Rapture looks like to a Little Sister) don't do much to help that.
To sum it up: it plays better, but it doesn't have anything of what made BioShock such a fantastic achievement. It's quite competent, but it didn't manage to raise above a me-too experience. Ultimately, it's just so pointless; the game simply had no good reason to exist. Perhaps as a multiplayer-only title, to benefit from the objectively better gameplay.
BioShock Infinite did well to throw away so many things (because oh so much was broken in BioShock) and focus on the narrative instead. Because honestly, BS and BSI are quite possibly the most exquisitely crafted narratives I've ever seen in gaming. BS2 isn't anywhere near that.
Post-script: I really think BioShock's famous drop in quality in the third act wouldn't be nearly as bad if the level just after that (Apollo Square) wasn't easily the worst in the game, combined with the really sudden increase in enemy hitpoints. There is still an awful lot of clever things going on after the reveal, it's just that the gameplay takes a massive hit. I feel Infinite has a similar problem in the Finkton Proper levels.