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high rated
This is a list of sticky-worthy threads, amassed here to ensure ease of navigation, and to ultimately maximize your gogging experience ;) Comments, criticisms, and additions are more than welcome.

*note* This will be updated often, when needed.

((For newcomers)):
Or Introduce Yourself to the community

--------------------------------------------------The Meat: Fundamentals--------------------------------------------------

Members Game Wishlist - Post your wishlist, check out others', and someone may feel charitable enough to gift a GOG or two.

Gaming Deals Thread - Good deals on digital or hard copy games found around the net. Always updated with replies about fresh deals.

Free games list and 3rd party mods - Hundreds of links to free games, free game sites, and 3rd-party mods.

The Ultimate Free Software List - Great list of free software and tools for your PC.

GOG Recommendations Thread - Unsure about purchasing that GOG? Well ask the veterans whether a game is worth your cheddar.

GogPM Thread - Our "official" external Private Message system. Works like a charm!
GogPM Site

GOG IRC (chat) - IRC chat for those that like to communicate NOW!

The GOGcast - The GOGcast, still in it's infancy. Pants not required.

GOG Contest Index - An index of current and past contests run by members in the forum. Constantly updated by yours truly.

Unofficial DVD Covers for games - Original list. Great resource if you like to have hard copies of your GOGs.
Alternate list of covers - Made by a handful of users, constantly updated.

Wanted Games Unofficial Listing - A cleaned up threaded version of the list of wanted games on GOG.

Multilingual GOGs - Info on multilingual GOGs and links to 3rd party patches.

Demo Links for GOG Games - Links to demos of a majority of GOG titles. Hasn't been recently updated.

Thread of known bugs - List of known bugs on the site, updated frequently and even visited by GOG staff.

---------------------------The Potatoes: Members, Discussions, Questions, Bitching---------------------------

Post Your Picture - Post your picture so others can laugh at how nerdy and unattractive you are. Pants required.

The Birthday Thread - Post your birthday, get a thread dedicated to you on said day. Woot.

The "bitch about life in general" Thread - The "better than 4chan", thread.

Share your Gamertag/PSN/Steam info - Hop on your console or PC gaming network and play with your favorite goggers!

Official Beg Thread: "This game belongs on GOG!" - Rather than 50 new posts a day concerning "I WANT THIS GAME ON GOG BLAH DEE BLAH", we try to consolidate those requests here. Please use this.

List of video reviews sites - List of sites that specialize in video reviews, written reviews, and the like.

Games you finished in 2010 - Brag about your outstanding adventures in winning. Hopefully your win was epic.

Thread for bashing other DD sites - Talk smack about Steam, even though you still use it. ;)

Twitter - the "official" user list - Hook up with fellow goggers on Twitter.

Favorite books list - Exactly what it says it is.

-------------------------------------The Boobies-shaped Jello: Forum Fun & Games-------------------------------------

What is this game? - Guess the game screenshot, or post a new one for other members to ponder.

Just Three Words... - Post three words.....

Post stupid/funny pictures from your hard drive - Self explanatory. Just do it, for our amusement.

Post Your Favorite Homemade Screenshots - Screencap something worth sharing? Show it off here.

Favorite Films - The Last one you Saw - Recommendations - A gathering of movie nerds. Great fun.

Post a random fact (or "fact") you know about the poster above you - Lies, all LIES! Still awesome, though.

Name the Quote - Figure out from whom a quote originated. Easy enough.

Silly Word Game - Make an acronym using the previous poster's name. A worthy entry shall only matter 'ere.

Random Internet Finds - funny, useful, mindblowing - Find something cool on the net? Post it and be glorious.

Pumpkins! (2010) - The best damn pumpkin carving this side of the Mississippi... or something like that...

Post edited December 18, 2010 by Destro
Letting all and sundry know: this stickies compendium is getting a bit out of date.KavazovAngel is making a new stickies compendium over here. Let him know about any threads from here that you think should go over there, and I'm going to un-sticky this thread at the end of week.