Misanthropic: I'm probably alone in this, but, here goes. This is pretty much too damn little, too fucking late for me... Larian lost my business when they went they way they did with Flames of Vengeance/Dragon Knight Saga. I paid full fucking price for a buggy, poorly optimized, incomplete product in Divinity II only to find later that they would address those issues by trying to charge me for a license to complete the game... They claimed they'd release a patch to update the DII:ED engine to that of FoV/DKS, but, to the best of my knowledge, nothing has actually come of that...
They never released a physical version of either FoV or DKS in the States, which leaves importing and GamersGate my only options, both of witch are expensive, and I sure as hell have no intention of paying nearly the same price I paid the first time around, much less paying full retail price for a digital version... Perhaps I'll consider DKS if it hits $10 over the course of GGs winter sales... Either way, this changes nothing, I still have zero respect for Larian...
that updates Ego Draconis + Flames of Vengeance to Dragon Knight Saga. The problem is, it doesn't work if you don't have Flames of Vengeance.