This is a nice piece of software. I've been using it for more than a year now, the dev team, though very small, is really friendly and listens to the community. Updates come out pretty often, and even though the whole service is still a bit rough around the edges (it's still in beta, after all) there really is great potential.
Besides all the web 2.0 bells and whistles, here are some nice benefits of running the Evolve client :
- in-game overlay with flash-enabled browser
- in-game IM chat (MSN/GTalk/Steam compatible)
- optionnal FPS counter
- the overlay is activated using the Windows key, so no more unwanted window-switching during gameplay
- screenshots taking with a nice camera-like sound and flash so you're certain the screenshot has been taken
- in-game video recording with decent enough framerate (good computer required, though). No time limit for the video recording, so that's better than the free version of FRAPS.
- party system, that is basically an easy-to-use LAN-over-the-internet thing compatible with most games (similar to Tunngle or Hamachi, but having it integrated with a social software is really handy).
So overall, a pretty nice program.
Post edited May 16, 2012 by Nnexxus