Twilight: And don't you regret, that you will never try the fifth game? Just because of something, that wouldn't cause you any problems?
I mean, it is nice and great to stand for yourself and your opinions... but when those opinions don't have ground under them anymore, I fail to see the point...
Hummnn, Petrell's opinions have no ground under them yet . . . yours do . . . interesting.
The fact that you basically rent games from Steam is more than enough reason not to use the service. I won't try to convince you otherwise since you find no problems with installing DRM of several flavors on your system or with the restrictions imposed. Some of us have lost data, hardware and many hours of work to DRM . . both restoring our systems and recreating the work lost . . . several times . . . I was a slow learner . . . =)
Eventually, we will be playing all the games being released today, without DRM and at a fraction of the cost. Just as I am now playing The Witcher DRM free for a cost of $19. I will work my way through the games I have in the mean time . . . should be done in about five years if I work at it. I do enjoy the constant pitch for Steam though . . . =)
debatetime: There are very few games i would feel right about spending 60 bucks on
I agree, $60 is an obscene price for a digital download . . . forget about the DRM restrictions. . . =)