michaelleung: You'd rather have GFWL? Are you people insane?
(Except the non Steam haters)
Yeah, because those are the only 2 options right? Fallout NV is a single player game so it doesn't need GFWL nor Steamworks for anything except achievements.
Let's see our options here:
- Impulse::Reactor: it isn't out yet but Stardock has given early access to key publishers so I'm sure that if Bethesda asked they would get it.
- Game exclusive achievements: like Mass Effect 2 and other EA games, you can see your unlocked achievements in-game and nowhere else.
- No achievements: who needs them? Prince of Persia 2009 had no achievements on the PC and was DRM free; I wish the game was any good though.
- GFWL: Fallout 3 made it so that you didn't NEED to create an online profile to play the game so other than installing the GFWL client to create a local profile you wouldn't authenticate with GFWL at all. Updates could be gotten through GFWL but were also released as stand-alone patches. DLC was sold outside of GFWL too.
- Steamworks: It offers achievements and DLC but comes at the cost of being DRM, requiring a client running, Internet connection most of the time, and it stops resale of the game.
Most of the times GFWL isn't better than Steamworks but if used like in Fallout 3 it could have been ignored completely. I don't see Steamworks being so easily ignored unless you crack the game.