BadDecissions: So these are Eye of the Beholder/early Might and Magic style dungeon crawlers? What is with this website that is offering to sell me these games but appears to give no information about what they are, how they play, or why I should buy them?
Catacombs 3D is the 3D game that John Carmack worked on before leaving Softdisk to found iD software and creating Wolfenstein 3D. Most of the games were created using his engine after he left Softdisk.
They're good games over all, I've been playing and for the time they're quite remarkable. But, the controls aren't the greatest, especially for the first game, and turning can be a bit inefficient at times.
It was interesting to hear John talking about how many mistakes he avoided in Wolf3D that he had made with The Catacombs 3D.
They're fun, but they're small and they have their quirks. I personally, think that they're must plays for fans of the FPS genre, just for the context and the history. For the time they introduced a fair number of ideas that are now just assumed, but at that time there weren't many games out there of this genre.