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As for which games you want to play, it really only matters if YOU'RE having fun with what you're doing. Choose games you enjoy. What's the point of making Let's plays if you're not enjoying it?
Please don't do Minecraft.
Fallout Tactics is a hard game because you might need to go the save-load-save-load-save route in order to keep your squad alive. Saving at regular intervals is definitely okay but saving constantly (saving after every enemy) kills the mood for me. It's a fine line how much you should save in this game. It's a really good choice for an LP though!

One thing I should ask: Have you hit puberty yet, and how high is your voice? I know some people who would not watch the LP, only for one reason: If your voice is still "a kid's voice", they'd find it annoying. This shouldn't stop you from making your LP though, because getting experience and getting better at commenting the game as you go, is important in order for you to become an entertaining player.

One more thing I should say (I said this for Detlik in his thread too): Don't expect the subscribers to flow on your channel, just because you're playing a game they have enjoyed themselves at some point. The LP needs to be entertaining in order for them to keep watching it. You need to be good enough at commenting, so that we want to hear YOU. You also need to play the game well, or we'll get frustrated and walk away. And remember, there are tons of people who make Let's Plays on the internet. The most famous ones worked hard to get where they are now, but even then: I don't think there's anyone who has a YouTube partnership because they make Let's Plays. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but it might be impossible to get a contract that way, and you will have to get your games some other way (= purchasing). I just don't want you to get your hopes up in case everything doesn't go according to plan.

Anyway, enough ramble, good luck with your LPs and whatever game you decide to start off with!
Mahahus: (...) I plan on making my own Let's Plays in hopes to become a YouTube Partner to make more money for games (...)
First of all - Let's Plays rely heavily on material you formally have no right to utilize. They are not outright illegal but... problematic. One thing most LPers use to their advantage is the fact that they do not profit from what they do. "Fair use" and such.
The only real way to legally profit from LP videos is to become a member of some network (like Gamestation) and let them take care of the legalities for you, while you focus on making videos. For them to accept you, you need to have a portfolio that can impress them. This means making GOOD LPs in the "gray area" for free long enough to get fans, views and - most importantly - the experience.
In short - if it's money you're after - search for it someplace else.

If you still want to make LPs - go ahead. You'll likely find it a lot more challenging than it initially seemed, especially if you are ambitious. Most importantly - do not just turn the mike on and expect the commentary to spring out of thin air - you need to have a plan, something to tell your viewers: insights, anecdotes... Avoid narrating the obvious - your voice is supposed to supplement the on-screen action, not reflect it. Most importantly - no "ummm"s - which is easier said than done if you plan on commentating live (which I would not recommend initially).
Mahahus: I'm not asking for views: I haven't made a video yet, actually. But I need advice on games first
Pick something you're comfortable with and accept the fact that if it caches on, your viewers will identify you with its genre... or even - its series.
A preliminary YouTube search is usually a nice way to find a niche - if there are very few or no LPs of a given title - you might have a shot.
Mahahus: would you watch the video if I were playing with a group of (mainly mature) 14 year olds?
I wouldn't. Presumably you would be a bunch of friends, so there'd be at least some in-jokes and whatnot that I wouldn't understand in the slightest. If that happened, I'd feel like something of an outsider, which is exactly what you should avoid. Frankly, I would be automatically put off if I knew the video was made by 14-year-olds, mature or not.

Anyhow, I dislike Let's Plays with audio commentary. It's too big a distraction for me, and often there's so much to say that I never get a chance to listen to the audio of the game (a major mood-maker). Screenshot-based Let's Plays, of course, haven't got audio commentary, but then I often find myself wanting for video footage. I once watched some Let's Play video with subtitles instead of a voice, and I thought the method worked brilliantly. I'm sure many disagree with me.

If you insist on talking into a mike, please don't do it as you're playing along. You might end up hesitating ("um", "ah", "err"), talking too much off topic or inadvertently saying something you weren't supposed to (spoonerisms, mix-ups, misunderstanding what's happening in the game and so on). Better to think what you're going to say and record it separately so you can edit out the occasional cock-up. Yes, it takes more time, but I'm not going to watch a video where the guy uses half an hour to explain something that should be summarized in five minutes (see The Spoony Experiment for details). A good video is better than many crap ones.

Also, gather and learn from feedback. I know it can be difficult when you're fourteen, but remember that it's the work that's being judged and not you. It might be a good idea to make a video solely for the purposes of gathering feedback, ideally from people you don't know. Your friends are likely to give you good feedback, which is nice but ultimately useless. If you stick a video here, I'm sure someone will watch it and be interested enough to tell what's good and bad about it. If it's your first one, there's bound to be quite a bit not to like.

In any case, I don't watch/read Let's Plays anymore, so I'm afraid I'll have to skip this one as well. Good luck anyway.
All of your post certainly are being jotted down. Now, I have little to no luck recording as of now, but I am not giving up. I am trying to record everyday with interesting information about the game (but not gunned down like a trivia game show.)

I can't say when the first video will be up, but as I've stated earlier: It will go up here for critique.
Apparently to profit from lets plays and such on youtube you have to have some sort of contract with youtube.
Machinima has it
so does TGS
but not individual people i think or groups. Companies.

therefore if you want make money out of youtube be prepared that it won't be possible till you are at least 18 years old and work in a company or set up one yourself.

this is what i heard at least not sure how correct those informations are.
I have found it's less about what titles you do, but how you do it.

Have you figured out your approach? Are you going to be a comedy letsplay or more of a tutorial letsplay? Or a combination of both? It can all be succesfull but you need to establish it as soon as possible because your fans will be expecting you to stick to that.

Anyway, here are some tips from the top of my head:

* Make sure you're being interesting; avoid long silences but don't keep blabbering,
* Practise your speaking so that you are enjoyable to listen to. Intonation, articulation, sound quality, ... it all matters.
* Mention a cool mod on occasion.
* Don't keep it too long; I think people would prefer you spend less time on more games than spend months on one game.
* Use some neat tricks or obscure tactics every now and then so that even people who know the game through and through can be surprised. This is especially true if you're gonna do a serious walkthrough-like letsplay.
* Don't keep asking for likes and subscribes
* Do ask for feedback, e.g. what game to do next, what faction to side with, how to name a characters, etc.

Lastly, some general advice because YouTube can be an absolutely horrible place:

* Never be drawn in a flamewar; don't immediately respond to angry messages. Instead, wait a little while, cool down and be as polite and understanding as you can, even if you think the other person doesn't deserve it. Things like this can really matter to your fans.
* It will take a while to become a YouTube partner. I think it would be better if you just started this out as a hobby. To become a partner you need to be very popular and I think you need to be at least 18 as well.
* People WILL hate you for some reason or another; either another letsplayer will take your jokes, or they will be angry because you do a game that they were planning or doing. Refer to point 1 but don't let everyone walk over you.
Post edited May 14, 2012 by Spongeroberto
Kezardin: 8) Don't assume you're better at a particular game than everyone who might view the LP
Yea This one is a good idea to follow
To say the least i did this before and it did not end as good as i expected.

As for other tips, lp something recordable using the program of your choice.
Though your 14 years old so its actuly somewhat expected for your voice to not sound good.
With work and effort your video's will get better overtime. dont expect the lp to be a complete masterpiece atleast for the first set of lets plays till your manage to find a way your comfetable with.
Mahahus: All of your post certainly are being jotted down. Now, I have little to no luck recording as of now, but I am not giving up. I am trying to record everyday with interesting information about the game (but not gunned down like a trivia game show.)

I can't say when the first video will be up, but as I've stated earlier: It will go up here for critique.
I've done a few LP's ( Shameless self plug!), and here are a few things that I learnt in the process:
Don't pick a large game for your first game, start small and get familiar with what you are doing. Also, don't pick a 3D game from the get go, a lot of free recording software don't play nice with 3D games.
Pick a game that you are (very) familiar with. Doing a "blind" LP is very hard.
If you are recording your voice at the same time as you play the game, make then stay away from very action oriented games, until you are familiar with how to do LPs. Even when doing my Majesty LP, I sometimes almost forgot to talk while doing the LP.

Also, becoming a youtube partner does not happen overnight. You need to have a steady stream of viewers for that, and that can take time (there are a lot of LPers out there).

Also, make sure to not record your voice & video to the same file, you will probably want to change the volume level of one of those, so that you can properly hear both your voice and the game itself.