Ralackk: I love nearly all the games blizzard have made to date sinse warcraft 1. So your not the only one but its getting harder to be a blizz fanboy with the direction they seem to be taking.
I had the same feeling when they announced that WoW will have monthly subscription. But after playing the game on and off for nearly four years now, I can say it the money I gave was well worth the stuff I got.
Blizzard are back to their best with Starcraft 2. I was/am in the multiplayer beta, and for sure can tell you that the game beats the crap out of nearly every one of today's multiplayer RTS games. It may be boring and somewhat "same old thing, just new graphics" for some people, but I've had lots of fun with every online match that I've played so far. There is lots of thinking involved, lots of rushing, lots of scouting, lots of learning what every unit is good for... Its going to be a massive game once it hits stores!
Plus, many people said how bad is going to be Battle.Net for playing games. Well, I've never had any issues with it whatsoever, and I've surely played way over 200 matches, both with friends and strangers. The service still has some problems that do not effect the gameplay, but I'm sure they'll be sorted out before the release of the game.
On another note, my respect for Valve has been going down for quite some time now, it seems that with every update, they unbalance their games and break the crap out of them, destroying mods, introducing more bugs than fixing, and so on. I hate it when a game being played by a few million people and recognized as one of the best multiplayer shooters ever made, gets all fucked up because of Mac support and new casual stuff. I think you know what game I speak of.