predcon: 5.) USER GENERATED CONTENT Some of the Sites have tools that allow you to communicate with other users and to create, post, upload, share and distribute various forms of content for and in connection with the Sites, including pictures, photographs, videos and other information or materials (collectively, “User Generated Content”). Keep in mind that User Generated Content does not include your blog and message board postings. If you post your insights, ideas, opinions and comments on our blog site or message boards, you cannot prevent SCEA or other members of the community from using them, and you give your consent to SCEA and anyone else to use your posts in any manner.
It’s great that users on our Sites can upload or share content with each other, but we do not authorize you to upload or share on our Sites certain items and content. Do not create, transfer, share, send, submit, post or upload any User Generated Content that:
[Omitting irrelevant clauses, text in parentheses added by me]
]2. Contains fraudulent statements or misrepresentations that could damage us or any third party; (Totally understandable)
You can't upload content that is libel and distorts the image of the company or the third party. Totally understandable because the board is their private property. 3. Contains any statements or materials that disparage, ridicule or scorn us or any third party; (Not so understandable; What are you, five years old? "This is MY treehouse, you can't say anything about me!")
See above, freedom of speech and everything that goes with it only applies to government sanctioned areas. Private property can have whatever rules they see fit provided it doesn't get in the way of human rights. This sort of thing is a want and not a need. Not to mention it is a game forum, if this was something majorly going against consumer rights then I would be on your side but it isn't. [4.- 8. are irrelevant to the topic]
If you were banned it was because you were a figurative dog, went onto their lawn and pissed on the flowers then wonder why you get hit with the hose by the owner of that lawn.