Posted July 17, 2010
this is actually a suggestion but I'm pretty sure it's going to erupt in a flame war, so it's better off in it's own thread.
Dear GOG, please consider picking up indi games.
(though not necessarily just the old ones.)
there are plenty of obscure indi titles out there that are just as quality as most of the timeless classics that show up here, yet most of them aren't given the time of day because even though they are ... relatively new ... they LOOK like most of the "classics" that show up here.
Games that value mechanics over appearance + Gamers that value mechanics over appearance should be a match made in heaven. just to sweeten the pot I'll point out that most indi game innately ship without DRM. the only caveat is that GoG might have to violate it's name sake as some of them are slightly less than "old" ....
I've seen others complain on here (I'm not that much of a regular to remember names) about the age of certain games, I for one don't care how old a game is just so long as it's good, DRM free, and cheep enough that I can sacrifice my daily burrito budget once a week to buy 'em.
age be damned: it's the "old" style of game play that I'm after.
best place to get it now a days is the indi market ...
Dear GOG, please consider picking up indi games.
(though not necessarily just the old ones.)
there are plenty of obscure indi titles out there that are just as quality as most of the timeless classics that show up here, yet most of them aren't given the time of day because even though they are ... relatively new ... they LOOK like most of the "classics" that show up here.
Games that value mechanics over appearance + Gamers that value mechanics over appearance should be a match made in heaven. just to sweeten the pot I'll point out that most indi game innately ship without DRM. the only caveat is that GoG might have to violate it's name sake as some of them are slightly less than "old" ....
I've seen others complain on here (I'm not that much of a regular to remember names) about the age of certain games, I for one don't care how old a game is just so long as it's good, DRM free, and cheep enough that I can sacrifice my daily burrito budget once a week to buy 'em.
age be damned: it's the "old" style of game play that I'm after.
best place to get it now a days is the indi market ...