Lexor: - not everything was fully DRM-free
They list what is and isn't DRM free on the front page, and what platforms you can get it for before you buy. The only game so far that required an outside program (Steam) was Sanctum.
Lexor: - I'm not used to pay forward when I know nothing (especially when minimum payment is 2.99 euro)
You don't have to. When the bundle launches you can see exactly what you're getting, and you may get it cheaper than 2.99 euros.
Lexor: - too many bundles around and quality is going down
- the only bundle which was worth to buy was humble bundle - charity ftw
Hrum. This is the main reason I responded. I don't really see the point in picking sides. Both bundles are generally pretty great and include lots of excellent bonuses. In fact, I would say the Indie Royale has kept up the quality of bonuses while the Humble Bundles haven't been quite as impressive (the Introvision Bundle hasn't been updated at all since the release, for example. Though I imagine they will and that's not a complaint, I'm still quite satisfied with Uplink alone).
But regardless I don't think choosing a side makes sense. Both are absolute steals for consumers, and wonderful for the majority of developers. I appreciate the charity aspect of the Humble Bundle, but I like that developers are getting properly paid for their work in the Royale.
As for a decline in quality, that's a subjective point but I don't really see how they have. It's still four or five great games for a ridiculous price, and the games are still generally pretty excellent.
Sorry if this comes off as too critical or defensive, but I've noticed the Royale guys are getting a seriously unfair amount of flak on Twitter, mostly due to misunderstandings or fanboyism. So I just wanted to put in a good word for them.