Tarm: Not always true. It's not uncommon that what survives culturally is what is allowed to survive. We as a species have gone through many periods with totalitarian rule, in fact it's the norm and if some cultural part is seen as a threat to the ruling power it gets eradicated. Whole cultures and the people in it have been wiped out for this reason.
I'm not sure there are things that always will be relevant for humans across generations. It's probable but we have changed so much during history in our views and beliefs that it seems somewhat unlikely.
So I agree that we should preserve as much as we can because we don't know when it will be of cultural importance.
Absolutely: the Taliban destroyed Buddha statues; a whole host of groups destroyed large parts of the Parthenon; some group of assholes started a fire in the library of Alexandria; a different group plundered Constantinople; The BBC never thought about legacy and so destroyed their own just to save a small amount of money to reuse their film.
But we have preserved much and much of what we try to preserve is that which still teaches us. Considering that we still read and translate works of thousands of years old and teach them to bored high-schoolers, I think there are some works that do indeed have lasting power. But even if something doesn't last quite that long, having a historical perspective of what we've preserved and kept safe is still important, if not key to determining worth. Even if Shakespeare were to completely disappear in the next 100 years, to have lasted as long he did as cultural touchstone, would speak volumes to the impact of any author. The works don't have to last forever, but it's what lasts beyond the now that is important - what we choose to save. But yes, you can't really guess what that is going to be. But I'm sure the Klingons will never let Shakespeare fade away. :)
Studying popular cultural, fleeting though it may be in relevance across generations, is also very important to understanding a particular culture in a particular moment of time. So I'm not trying to denigrate those who study popular culture of either today or some point for which we still have popular cultural references left, but that's also a different issue.
crazy_dave: Perhaps I should use different language.
Vestin: I think this might be the case - the way you originally expressed things was... peculiar.
Time certainly doesn't "decide" what is precious, based on its longevity. It's the preciousness that (sometimes ?) causes people to take steps in order for it to persevere. Time in not the "judge" in the court of art, it's merely the stenographer (Or are you going to argue that this is a bad analogy as well -_- ?).
Fair enough. I was using shorthand to express my thoughts and I can see how that might've confused what I was trying to say. But I agree with the above statements and, this time, the analogy. :)