MonstaMunch: This is now out on Steam at 25% off. Has anyone tried it yet? It would be an instabuy for me, except I can't seem to stop playing PoE. I'd love to know if it's any good.
I ended up getting it yesterday from GG for $4. It's very rough around the edges. Basic attack animations seem rather off when you hold down shift -- key for remaining in place, but you still shuffle forward. Hits don't always register on enemies when they are up close (and this while playing with melee character). There's also invisible walls. Lots of them. However, some of the special moves do have their own charm to them, like pulling in a bunch of enemies and stunning/killing them all in one hit. Possession is also rather fun. Oh, and the cut scenes are really crap.
I consider it worth the $4 I paid. But I'd feel rather more let down if I'd paid any higher. Ultimately, if you're looking for hack n slash/ARPG and don't have Torchlight 1 or 2 yet, get one of those instead. Otherwise, wait for a 75% off sale for this one.