Mnemon: What I want from an OS is it
a) to be lightweight. I do not want bloat. Even XP was too much in that direction and I usually stripped it down after installation.
b) looks elegant, but - similar to a) - doesn't throw effects at you. That is, pleasing to the eye, but a good OS is one where you don't notice you are "using" one.
c) Don't mind fiddling with commands and the like. But I am not enough of a geek to _have_ to compile _everything_ myself.
It sounds like Debain might be the distro you're looking for but your choice of Desktop Environment is probably more important than what Linux distribution you use. If you were to think of Windows as having one interface and OS X as having another, Linux would have over twenty to pick from. These are usually referred to as Desktop Environments or Window Managers and will be easy to grab for multiple distributions.
However, the more "friendly" distributions may muck with things a bit and their implementations of a DE may differ notably from each other. On the other hand, Distros like Debain, Slackware, Gentoo, and Arch will usually allow greater control over what's installed and default configurations will be more generic or standard. Well, there are some exceptions in the case of Debian but I would still say it's more stripped down and "clean" than Ubuntu, Open SuSe, and Mandriva.
Arkose: I was unable to remove GIMP (at least I think it was GIMP) using either method without removing the "desktop package" (or some such thing, I forget the exact term it used). I didn't know what removing that would do so I didn't try it
The package that you mentioned was probably a "meta-package" thats only purpose was to drag in a bunch different applications for the sake of "convenience". Instead of just installing "NeatAppFoo", it would insall "NeatAppFoo" with all the extras and a few other applications that it thinks you might like. Since this is usually done by creating an "empty" package that requires all that stuff to be installed, it's going to complain when something that's a part of the deal gets removed. A meta-package will usually have "installs X, Y, and Z" as part of it's description.
Debain has a lot of meta-packages and Ubuntu has even more.....