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The Armageddon starts with C.

Carmageddon Max Pack, the game of ruthless racing rivalry and motorized metal mayhem is now available on for only $9.99.

Ah, automobile racing! Such a classy sport. The pinnacle of friendly rivalry, fair play, and finesse. There's quite no other activity a gentleman could enjoy more on a Sunday afternoon in the company of his good chums. I know there are some unprogressive circles proclaiming automobile racing to be brutish, morally corrupt, and unworthy of a true gentleman. I say! It's hard to understand all that public controversy surrounding our favorite pastime. Some accidents are bound to happen, but risk is a crucial ingredient of every elite entertainment. It's certainly not like we are putting anyone but ourselves in the harm's way. The thought that a gentleman driver could run over a pedestrian with his automobile is simply... pedestrian. I can't imagine how this noble sport could ever become unfair, not to mention brutal. Absurd notion, I say. Absurd!
--Sir Harold M. Damage, April 1908, Dullbottomshire

Carmageddon Max Pack, a dynamic racing game with original vehicles, exaggerated car damage model, (un)realistic physics engine, and little to no rules, embodies all the fears of early auto racing contestators. With deviously designed tracks, oddball drivers, and wheeled monstrosities that pass for cars, this game will entertain you just as much as it will shock you. The Max Pack edition includes the original Carmageddon and the Splat Pack expansion. You have to see it for yourself. But before you go, here's a little pro tip: the best way to make sure that no one reaches the finish line before you do is to make sure that no one reaches it at all. In other words--don't hold back!

Gentlemen... uh... people... uh... well... Drivers! Start your engines and roll out for the Carmageddon Max Pack, for only $9.99!

We'd like to thank the members of the amazing Carmageddon community, especially Toshiba-3 and hifi. Thank you, guys! Your contribution to the release of Carmageddon on will never be forgotten.

ATTENTION Kickstarter backers of Carmageddon revival project: your codes have been already sent to Stainless, they should support you with them shortly!

Also, check what our team thinks about Carmageddon:
Post edited September 27, 2012 by G-Doc
JMich: Btw, will we be getting our codes from you or from Stainless? Just to know if I should turn left or right on the next intersection...
Stainless will be sending the codes. I'm relatively certain that you wouldn't be thrilled if they just handed 15,000 emails over to GOG for us to do what we wanted. :P
SLP2000: Ah, I was afraid you won't make it.
We like to cut those things close. :)
grinninglich: When we will see the second game?
As a general policy, never comments on release dates, possible release dates, if we've signed a game or not signed a game, the prices of plums, or other assorted trivia and conundrums.
Crosmando: Is this game running in software mode? I didn't see any 3dfx logo at game start, so I assumed so.
You can launch 3dfx mode via separate Start Menu shortcut.
Dark_Pontifex: Hi guys, I have the following error when I try to change grafics (see attached image). Anybody has a clue what to do?
use Start Menu shortcut to launch Graphic Mode Setup
Post edited September 27, 2012 by Thiev
Ubivis: GOG should release Localization Patches... if someone thinks, it is not fun to drive over people, install the german localization and have robots instead :)
...or you could add just one line to .conf file and have zombies / robots.
Ubivis: Too much work, we old guys are lazy!
Oh, I don't know. Otherwise, you would have to go to your account, find game box, click on it, click on patch link, download file AND execute it.

Much more hassle :P
Ubivis: But I don't need to switch from the mouse to keyboard to type in something in a file. At our higher ages, the fingers are hard to control and I could enter something completely wrong, which could cause a global thermonuclear war, or worse (Something like Britney Spears is singing again)

^ there. Now you can copy/paste with your mouse only :P
Ubivis: But where to paste it?? too much to think on my own :(
Have to think more than enough at work already :)
TutEvgen: Ttied to set 1 core - load at one core became 90-100% and same 15-20 fps. 2 cores - load 50% at each, same 15-20 fps. 3 and 4 cores give out same 15-20 fps.

I have full old CD Carmageddon and CD Carmageddon Splan Pack. It in Win7 64 bit i can not install it, but in WinXP with pathes 3dfx,,, VDMSound_Pack.rar, CARMAV.EXE (method described here, it give out 60 stable fps and high grafics.
As you noticed, this is for XP only. Our games must be working under all the systems starting from XP up to Vista/7. We cannot use something that only gives partial compatibility, especially since XP use is on heavy decline. So while it works for you, all the vista/7 users would be furious (and rightly so).

TutEvgen: At torrents long ago is lies pirated Carmageddon Max Pack (funny, it have name identically as new Carmageddon from GOG), created by own hands of usual user for Win7, this modification have same problem with perfomance in Win7 and WinXP as in version
Max Pack is the official name of the Carmageddon + expansion pack. It was officially that way. Torrents did not invent the name, it was released under that name in 1998.

Secondly, I am not familiar with the torrent mod you are talking about, but most likely it bases on DOSBOX with Gulikoza's patch and a wrapper - all tied together in a nice package. We decided to use DOSBOX (a customized version for running glide wrappers) because of all the solutions tested it gave the best results in stability and functionality. Speed is a problem, because right now, Dosbox w/ wrapper does all the graphics related calculations using the CPU.

If you are still running WinXP then I can only suggest that you keep using that mod if it works for you. Alternatively, you can try the win95 experimental patch stickied to the top of the carmageddon forum. In my own opinion, 95 hires is even better looking than the 3dfx version, but it might not be working for everyone, hence our decision to release the 95 version as an experimental use at your own risk patch.

You can also try increasing the cycles in the dosbox conf file. This way you will tell dosbox to use more of your processor power (unfortunately it isnt as simple as that and you might not see any difference). We tried to input the most universal setting, but the number of CPUs on the market is crazy so the users are welcome to experiment with the setting that works best for them. Refer to carmageddon forums or just PM me and I will tell you how to do it.

Anyways, I hope you will have fun with the game.
Post edited October 05, 2012 by Tolya