cobacel: O_O , To each ... his own ? I still dare ask you to give more arguments on how was it an improvement over the prequels :) . Just asking , not trying to make fun of .
Hmm well just as a funny thing for the whole series, I don;t understand why the games are so focused on being realistic with like food and fighting being challenging and stuff like that yet the inventory allows you to carry 4 billion pounds of crap lol
But in terms of why I like Gothic 4 the most (not including its expansion which I did not play) is mostly down to the way things are presented. I feel as though the lack of direction for quests makes no sense in the earlier games as the quest givers sometimes appear to openly hate you and mislead you on quest locations. I know a person might not know exactly where something is but I'd assume if they have a problem with something they would know the general vicinity of where you should be going and I find that often in the early games the areas they give you are far too large as though a friend of a friend is giving you the quest.
The early games really feel as though they don't want to be played by you it and the atmosphere really rejects the player and doesn't want them there compared to #4 where the game wants you to go out and explore and it doesn't feel as though the game hates you with quest givers who are actually helpful and seem like they want you to help them. I might be remembering wrong but i remember there being a quest very early on in Gothic 3 where the quest giver deliberately tell the wrong place for a quest just so you have to walk around the whole map to find the location. And some quest descriptions can be very misleading making you question what you're doing.
The controls are better and yada yada stuff like that, won't talk about graphics because that would be stupid. But it is kinda hard to describe why I like it more... It just feels like the gmae wants you to be there where the others seem to hate you and it's not a matter of holding your hand Gothic 4 didn't do that but the earlier ones try to cut your hand off and leave you for dead.
I'm just trying really hard to explain that I liked #4 the best but it's not about difficulty I dont wnat to get a bunch of replys that just say I think they are too hard. That's not it, in fact another game that does the same kinda thing with the difficulty successfully and I think works better is Demon's Souls as the game is hard as all hell but it rewards you for playing it smart and although the game is oppressive to the player it ultimately feels like it wants you to succeed by giving you just enough to help you succeed..