Chrome bundle's price is really good, too bad the first Call of Juarez isn't on sale.
The Witcher for $6.79 is a must have too, it won't get lower than $5 or $4.
evilguy12: Wow, that THQ one is
ultra friggin' insane. Quite tempting.
Just look at the original price for Metro 2033...
Now consider that you're buying Metro, and having all the other THQ games for free. Insane. :p
Balthier: GOD DAMMIT!!!
I swear they time these things when I just spent my money on something else (Wii points). I swear it!! Now I see Ai Wars and the Introversion pack, and I just... I just...
Yeah... when you less expect it, BOOM! There's a giant steam sale.
And the sale ends on the U.S. independence day, big discounts on that last day OR a selection of the best 24h specials I guess.
Let's see what promo GOG will have tomorrow... if it's good I'll have to spend more, a lot more. :p