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bansama: Heh. Did they ever get more keys for Prey?

Ha! No. I noticed it was labelled Sold Out in this sale too.
lukaszthegreat: not big fan of racing games but i haven't played one in a while and actually don't own any:
would you recommend one from gog
one of these
I am leaning more towards offroad racing aka fuel or grid.

Personally, I would go for FUEL. But then I've played it for a good 60+ hours and loved every minute of it.
lukaszthegreat: Fuel

You can't go wrong with Grid. But if you want offroad then I haven't played a game that has really thrown itself into offroad racing quite as thoroughly as Fuel. We're talking a vast, open racing area you can just drive around in here.
Reviewers complained that the game seemed unfocussed compared to other racers, but I think that in reality they just failed to grasp the nature of the game. It isn't trying to be like other racers.
acare84: I want to make Sol Survivor 4 pack too. If anyone is interested from here. It is now $4.99 but with four pack it will be $3.745.

Is there room for one more in the pack? :) I'm interested in Sol Survivor as well.
acare84: I want to make Sol Survivor 4 pack too. If anyone is interested from here. It is now $4.99 but with four pack it will be $3.745.
fragle: Is there room for one more in the pack? :) I'm interested in Sol Survivor as well.

Yeap, we are now 3. Me, you and bansama. We need a person now.
How is Killing Floor? People still playing it?
I preferred Dirt 1 to the lot of them, followed by Fuel then Dirt 2, Grid would be last.
Three4Flinching: How is Killing Floor? People still playing it?

Yes, has a lot of dedicated servers and people playing it.
Three4Flinching: How is Killing Floor? People still playing it?
acare84: Yes, has a lot of dedicated servers and people playing it.

Is it good thou? Great price and I would love to have a good Co-op shooter on my PC.
Three4Flinching: Is it good thou? Great price and I would love to have a good Co-op shooter on my PC.

Yes, it is a good and fun game. I bought it when it was released and played it for 60 hours or so in total and still playing it. And with this price it is really cheap. Also they will release a map pack soon.
Three4Flinching: Is it good thou? Great price and I would love to have a good Co-op shooter on my PC.
acare84: Yes, it is a good and fun game. I bought it when it was released and played it for 60 hours or so in total and still playing it. And with this price it is really cheap. Also they will release a map pack soon.

Great, thanks! Will buy it.
I got Trine (4€), Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (6,79€), Knights Of Honor (6,49€), Overlord Pack (4,50€)
Riddick is fantastic. And for that price it's a steal. 2 games in one. I already own the retail (paid 55€ for it then) but I'm going digital so yeah boooi.
Does anyone know if Space Rangers 2 is an updated version of the original or a sequel?
Three4Flinching: How is Killing Floor? People still playing it?

Gmae is only good if you do it in teams. I tried it out as single player, it's hard as fuck. The classes give some variation, but it goes after the same pattern:
1.survive first wave
2.go buyan
3.survive second wave, harder enemies
4.go buyan and find a decent spot
5.surivive the third wave,even harder enemies
6. go buyan
7. survive 4th wave, hardest enemies evaaaar
8. boss battle, nearly impossible to beat him in single(Unless you go on easy)
Any thoughts on Jericho? Any must-buy deals?