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As our catalog gets bigger and better every week, it's easy to lose track of some of the awesome games that we have to offer. We've been running one day "Gaming Gem" promos for a while now to highlight some classic titles that don't get the love of some of our best-known blockbusters like Baldur's Gate or Duke Nukem 3D. To celebrate summer, for the next two weeks until July 25th, we're going to run a Gaming Gem promo every day, so you can rediscover these lesser-known classics! Grab that plastic toy shovel and dig out gem after gem over the next 18 days. We think every game we're going to be offering on our Summer Gem Extravaganza will be an excellent title, and we hope you give them all a try.

Yeah, I saw it on your face as soon as we pulled up. At first glance, I’ll admit, Krig 7-b seems like a worthless little dustball, doesn’t it? Okay, okay. At second and third glance, too. But what I’m trying to tell you is: sure the planet’s a bit of a fixer-upper, but it’s got history, man. History in spades!

Look, back in the 25th century, this place was a happening little ball of mud. One of the largest battles in the Xenofact Wars was fought right here. And here’s the deal: in addition to getting this planet at the kind of price where I’m cutting my own throat to sell it you, I’m also going to throw in a fully interactive historical simulation of the whole campaign.

That’s right, don’t think of those craters and trenches as “ugly eyesores.” No, siree. Think of ‘em as “adding character.” Here’s the dilly-yo: For a ridiculous price of $2.39, you get the historical simulation Ground Control and the follow up to that, which is called “Dark Conspiracy.” And I’ll throw in the planet with it, too, because you look like nice folks. You have the opportunity to re-enact the battles between Crayven Industries and the Order of the New Dawn with a completely controllable camera in a 3-D environment. So you can see what the place looked like, you know, back in the day. Before they blew holes all through the place.

It’s a real time strategy game, see, and one of the interesting features about this piece of software is that it places a strong emphasis on tactical placement. Your units will shoot each other, if you’re not careful, and the heavier units, like tanks, are very vulnerable to damage to their sides and rear, so you need to position them carefully for maximum damage and survivability.

This tells an awesome story, man, filled with epic battles, treacherous betrayals, dark conspiracies, and heroic sacrifices. That’s a kind of history that you just can’t match, buying some pokey old planet in the inner Core with all of the trimmings and fixings. Sure, this planet hasn’t been redecorated since the Dawnies nearly blew it up, but that just means you can put your own mark on this, and turn this planet into a home.

Now what do I have to do in order to get you to sign the paperwork to get this sale started? This deal’s only good today, man, so you better act fast. And if this ain’t your style, man, no worries. Check back in tomorrow and see what’s for sale here. The prices are so low it’s like I’m giving these away!

Except I’m not, you know. Except, like, in exchange for money.
Fujek: When I order the game, where's the planet that comes with it? *eyes sky*
It comes in the box.