I read it, and it was a load of crap. Anyone who sees that in a game that came out that many years before 9/11 is clearly looking for trouble. Also, while the lack of shields can make it a more challenging, satisfying experience, it is in no way an advantage. While removing the shield component from a ship probably increases the speed, it would be better in the long run for TIEs to be equipped with them.
Andy_Panthro: The part I found most interesting was the focus on the US...
When TIE fighter was released originally, the UK was still in the process of dealing with the IRA (violence outside of N.Ireland was lower than it had been for years, but the peace process was only just beginning). Of course, the US have always had a romantic view of the troubles.
I thought the game was more focused on that as well. In his preface, Owen says that it's "the point Lucas supposedly intended to make with Star Wars: Episodes II and III," which is foolish, because George Lucas had never even heard of George W. Bush as president until he was elected years after this game came out. It's the same thing with that one Harry Potter director thinking that Voldemort applies to Bush; Voldemort's character was outlined way before 9/11, so all they're doing is looking for trouble.