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Raises some decent points. But, a few major complaints:
1. Using GoG as an image is just misleading. The post (somewhat sarcastically) accepts that DRM is not "evil" and that DRM-free works best for post-release games, but they still flavor the entire post.
2. It loses its objectivity almost instantly. Even though the articles cited do show that piracy is an issue, the tone in which they are cited are mocking.
3. Of the three keypoints, the second is something that they already acknowledged is "okay" with Steam (although, it seems as though the poster dislikes Steam anyway). And Ubi have not outright denied the "doomsday scenario", just like Valve have not officially accepted the "doomsday scenario".
4. Of the three keypoints, the fourth destroys all worth of the post. At least, in my eyes. It becomes just a generic anti-DRM rant, rather than an examination.
Sarcasm and witticisms are great, but they pretty much destroy any attempt at objectivity. And once you lose that, you are just preaching to the choir.
The subject of day one sales and piracy has been brought up before and to be honest thanks to services like Steam and others I really don't think sales on release day are as important for the PC as they are with consoles.
Yes you will get people who HAVE to have the game on release day (Watch me fly when anything Bioware comes out) however thats just the existing fans. Fans I may add that are unlikely to be pirates, if you call yourself a fan and pirate the game reducing the possibility of a sequel then your not a fan. I would argue that the majority of PC gamers at least are well aware there are Steam sales and there are often horrendous bugs in the 1.0 version. Most are happy to wait to get the game at a later date patched and cheaper. I was trying to argue this point with some blogger on the Ubi forums. MW2 only sold 300,000 copies on the PC on release date but now there are over 2 million registered copies on Steam, (Note registered copies NOT pirates). Day one sales were poor but now they are selling at a constant and steady rate while the console sales have trailed off as the second hand market takes over.
If anything the draconian measure implemented by Ubisoft to prevent day zero piracy have only harmed any chance of the fans (the ones who actually wanted to buy it!) buying it and they will have to make do as the majority of the PC game buying public will be happy to wait till the game is patched (already the DRM has been loosened in a patch) and a lot cheaper in a sale.
Day Zero DRM like Ubi's does not work.
Day Zero DLC that's an incentive DOES work. I know I bought the DDE versions of ME2 and Star Trek: Online.
OdinM1: Nice article. You might also want to check out the Tweakguides article one the same topic.
As stated in both articles, the real biggie is to stop day zero piracy. I'd have no problem with install limits/online activation if the publishers/developers agreed to patch them out say, six months to a year later.

hey, both of those articles are good.
Good Old Games gets a bit more PR too.
Delixe: Fans I may add that are unlikely to be pirates, if you call yourself a fan and pirate the game reducing the possibility of a sequel then your not a fan.

At least here in Slovakia, there is plenty of wannabe fans, or people claiming to be the biggest fans, yet playing pirated versions.
The fact someone claims he is uber pr0 CS 1.6 skillz0r, yet he plays cracked version is laughable at best.
Bron: Is steam evil? Of course not.
Lou: Steam is EVIL

Well, I certainly cannot argue with your logic. Nice, pic, btw.
Bron: Is steam evil? Of course not. They have a perfect right to offer games via their service and I think they are trying to do it right.
Anamon: Well if they're trying, they're certainly not doing very well at it, at least in Europe. Already in the UK, the prices they ask for games are sometimes twice as high, or even higher, than those in retail (perfectly sensible - asking more money for less product). Then look at mainland Europe and it gets even worse because of their 1$=1€ "calculation".
When I buy new full-price games, I usually order them from Amazon UK. In a retail store, I would pay almost double the price. On Steam it would be pretty near three times as much as I pay on Amazon.
Apart from that, services like Steam would have to either junk the DRM, or orient their prices according to game rental, not retail sales, considering your whole expensive Steam game collection goes kapoof once someone pulls a plug somewhere in the world, or some company goes bankrupt. Kind of like Gametap: a flatrate price (I think its $10/month) for unlimited access to 1000+ games. It's nothing for me, as I like to own the games I play, and play even if my Internet connection or some far-off server is down. But it's certainly a fair price for what it is.
Bron: (...) GOG treats me fairly and I will treat GOG the same. Win/Win.

Exactly. If you think you can fight or prevent piracy, then you're just being stupid. I know many publishers know this but still have to act stupid (i.e. implement DRM) because their shareholders are stupid and demand it. But the fact remains that in the digital world, piracy is a fact, and there is only one way of getting people to pay for your product: treating them with respect and giving them their money's worth in return. This is exactly what GOG is all about. The problem is that services like Steam actually ask money for a version of the game that is quality-wise far inferior to the pirated one. That's not a punchy sales argument.

I totally agree with everything you say. By 'doing it right' I meant using DRM techniques that do not break their customer's computers or load malware. But, yes, their prices are too high, I don't need their "service" -- and even their DRM is wrong-headed and offensive to *me*. But not to everyone. Hard as it is to believe, some people are happy with steam. I know. Makes me scrath my head in wonderment, too, but it is so. So, I was just trying to give them the benefit of the doubt.
But as we both agree -- the company who has really figured it out is GOG. ;)
Post edited March 20, 2010 by Bron
I assumed we'd be getting Achievement points as compensation for the downtime...
Whitecroc: Dear Whitecroc
Following the recent temporary game server outages which may have caused disruption to some Assassin's Creed 2 players on PC only, we would like to reward your patience if you have experienced any problems by offerring you some additional content – previously only available with special editions – see below for details.
Redeem the following code: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX in-game to unlock exclusive content! From the root menu of your game, go to the Extras section, select “Exclusive Content”, then simply input your unique code!
Palazzo Medici
Save Lorenzo de Medici as he is held captured by the templars in his own house, riddled with many secret passages.
Once unlocked, enter the Secret Location from the Ground Floor of the Palazzo Medici in Firenze, go through the Passage on the bottom right to the “courtyard of the mules”.
Santa Maria dei Frari
Explore the Venetian church and perfect your free-running skills by making your way through a risky course.
Once unlocked go to the Santa Maria Dei Frari church in Venezia, then find and enter the secret entrance located in the middle of the bell tower.
Arsenal Shipyard
Enter the shipyard in Venice and kill the guards in a stealthy way without them noticing you. Chase down the guard before he warns the others of your presence.
Once unlocked you can enter the Arsenal Shipyard in Venezia via a manhole outside the Shipyard.
We hope you continue to enjoy Assassin's Creed 2 and your new free content.
Best Regards,
The Ubisoft Team

This seems like quite good compensation. I uninstalled the game after I beat it, so I can't try any of this stuff myself, but I'll hold on to the code in case I feel like replaying the game at some point in the future.
Post edited March 25, 2010 by Whitecroc
SH5 owners get a free game as compensation. Either Prince of Persia or Shawn White Snowboarding.
Both as a DRM free download, somewhat ironically.
Whitecroc: This seems like quite good compensation. I uninstalled the game after I beat it, so I can't try any of this stuff myself, but I'll hold on to the code in case I feel like replaying the game at some point in the future.

While it's a good compensation, it also borks over those who actually paid to receive this "premium content" on release.
Ah, yes, you're right; this is CE stuff they're handing out. I wonder what the CE people get.
Post edited March 25, 2010 by Whitecroc
According to Kotaku, CE people get one of four games. The games are Endwar, PoP, Hawx, and one other I can't remember.
And surprise upon surprise, australians get the shaft
Aliasalpha: And surprise upon surprise, australians get the shaft

Well, you know, most ordinary everyday people like Australians. Game publishers hate you. And your own politicians hate you most of all :-(
Aliasalpha: And surprise upon surprise, australians get the shaft

Apparently it's not just Australia affected but several other countries too. Still, as much as I love The Settlers, this just makes me feel better about not getting the game due to this shite "DRM".

Maybe protests wont be necessary as the game managed to kill it's own sales.
StealthKnight: Maybe protests wont be necessary as the game managed to kill it's own sales.

The only good thing to come out of this mess is Ubisoft can't blame the low sales on piracy. By their own admission this horrible DRM was a success and did prevent pirates playing the games. Of course they have also only made a fraction of what they thought they would from these titles so where do they go from here?