Grargar: Yeah, I read this comparison too. It's a stupid one, mainly because Citizen Kane was not wildly applauded when it was first released. It took 15 years for that to happen.
The question to ask is: Will people keep on praising the Last of Us on 2028? (...)
They won´t if there will not be a PC-Release, course only PC games are made for long-time success:
Console games only live for one console-generation (I know, not every), PC games COULD live forever! (if all of them would be DRM-free...)
lettmon: WTF, WTF man, disinformation much? ALL characters in Heavy Rain can die - your actions have real consequences. I played Heavy Rain 4 times to see all scenes and even then I still haven't seen at least one (where, SPOILER: if everyone but the hooker character dies, she kills the origami killer - so I read).
Gersen: Yes and like I said the few QTEs where one of your characters can actually died are the only ones that actually have some impact. And having the "choice" between succeeding or failing a QTE sequence is not exactly what I call a "meaningful choice", in the end succeed all the "lethal" QTEs and you will have a good ending no matter what you did in the others.
For all the others sequences they either have no consequences or just cosmetic ones, do the car sequence at the beginning of the game perfectly or just put the controller down and wait for the sequence to finish by itself... slightly different video but same outcome, do the same for the fight sequence (also at the beginning to avoid spoilers), same thing, slightly different video, some cosmetic change on one of your character, but the game will continue normally no matter what you do or don't do. And it's even worse during the non-QTE sequences, check all the clues or miss most of them the investigation will continue no matter what.
Well, it´s the same problem like Fahrenheit, their second game and spirtiual predecessor, had:
Quantic Dreams tries to tell you that everything gots impact---but there are only a few import choices:
E.g. in Fahrenheit it´s got no impact finding all evidence or leaving at arrival---O.K., your char gets a bit frustrated, but this it was!
Nothing in comparision to Alpha Protocol, for example.
Or even Witcher II!