Tallima: I never finished this one due to a game-breaking bug that kept me from getting too far, but it was a really good strategy game. To date, I haven't seen a game with as many resources that you had to work with. This game had maybe 30 or 40 different resources and you didn't need all of them. Food, sure. Wood, somewhat. But as you played with the resources, you really structured your army. You could divert resources to horses, but then you'd have just a few guys on horses and not a hundred naked maniacs ready to kill some English.
It wasn't that hard to unite Scotland, a bit more to invade England itself. The problem was computer trade AI - it was completely bonkers. More likely than not, it went out fully laden with spears to a town that has a lot of spears and came back with no profit and the plague. The computer starved to death in a matter of months, because some idiotic protocol figured that one province can supply all'a Scotland and they just have to trade spears for food. All of them. And of course the bugs... well, once you had three full armies of elite ax-men (about two hours of game time), you just vent berserk in the direction you picked and that was it. Defeat a clan, save their economy, recruit every loafer and give him a spear (feck there sure are a lot of spears laying around,
can't figure out why??). Go on suicide raids with them until they learn to stop being retarded and then give them an axe. Bug 'un. Rinse, repeat, that's it.
Anyway, yeah, the game would be awesome if they just fixed the AI and some really nasty bugs.