Posted December 23, 2012
First off, let me say that I have read the stickied topics and applied for a unique CD Key. Just have a couple of followup questions if anyone knows the answers:
-Where do I input a CD key for this version? From the GoG downloader I installed my copy of NWNDiamond and was never asked for a key.
-I started up the game and tried out mulitplayer just for the hell of it. Was able to host my own module, but not able to direct connect to my favorite server. Though it made an attempt, it "timed out" and disconnected. This is due to my CD key? Wasn't sure I'd be able to even get this far
-Where do I input a CD key for this version? From the GoG downloader I installed my copy of NWNDiamond and was never asked for a key.
-I started up the game and tried out mulitplayer just for the hell of it. Was able to host my own module, but not able to direct connect to my favorite server. Though it made an attempt, it "timed out" and disconnected. This is due to my CD key? Wasn't sure I'd be able to even get this far