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Final Fantasy VII
It will never happen because nowadays big corpos chose ultra high profits and releasing shitty games rather than making their consumers happy.
Por favor :)
Believe you & I, I want all of Square Enix's entire RPG catalogue here. The harsh truth is SE (the most most stingy about DRM-free) cares more about people purchasing their games & having convenience on competitor site than preserving their own RPG legacy. It's no surprise why none of their most beloved / classic RPGs aren't sold here.
The GOG community would be better off refocusing the preservation efforts and spreading these wishlists to big social media sites & publisher's contact forms as these requests won't go as unnoticed. Think big of Ross Scott (a.k.a. Accursed Farms) effort on YT to reach as many people as possible.
remake ?
Ojalá que sí
This would be a great classic for GOG. There's already a PC version people can use that existed even before the Steam version, so this is very plausible. More so for people who don't want to play the Remake versions. I'm willing to pay $7.99 for this to make this possible. As long as the storage and memory for the game isn't ginormous. On Steam, the game takes 3 GBs of storage, and 1 GB of RAM. Just don't make it require a Square Enix account like the Steam version. No one wants two accounts just to play something.
WOW, lot of thumbs up for this. I'm in for this. Hell yeah
Guys... Why isn't this on here yet?!
Any news?
Still wishing
still waiting on this, would be great
Just so you know the only DRM on this is ANY CD FORMAT (think) that is labeled FF7DISC1 and has 4 empty directories (field, minigame, movies, wm).
Actually no need to worry, simply get the Steam version and load the 7. Heaven-Launcher; FF7 will boot without Steam. However, if you want to have a "standalone" without launcher-demand GoG is the only option... and at least Square-Enix is not the worst when it comes to DRM support... so there is some hope possible.
I would love to see more SE games come over here even though they are so strict with drm. Hopefully one day we'll see it here so until then, I'm adding my vote for support.
Well... I'm not a great fan from the franchise, but it is a classic who deserves to be here.
I can buy it 7th time if comes to gog (psx, pc cd, ps3, s-e store, steam, apple store)
My most wanted. A DRM free version would be mana from heaven.
Yes, please! :)
I'd love to buy more Japanese games on GOG.
Never played this game... so yes please
Being able to play this game on a modern computer without obnoxious Always Online RM would be extremely nice, yes.
DRM free versions of Square's FF PC ports would be amazing. Especially combined with all the mods that are available.
Hoping for a DRM free PC version.
While I wait I guess I will play the japanese version on PSX.
This is a "must-have" in my ...Cloud :)
Best game ever!
Please bring the old FF games here, I'd love to own DRM-free copies of them
still hoping
As long as it is not the god awful 2020 remake.
now that's a good old game
got quite a bunch of em ón steam allready but would buy it again here
I still use Steam platform because of Final Fantasy VII and VIII. If Final Fantasy franchise come to GOG I will uninstall Steam forever!
not only 7 but also all Final fantasies that came out for pc
i have the old disc version and it runs perfectly in windows 10. even better than in previous systems. certainly better than in xp. it would likely not help me if it gets released on gog but, other final fantasy games is a different story. i would happily buy them.
I would definitely buy this game.
And buy it again to gift it to my bro.
Pleas add this great game.
YES but MACINTOSH Version Please!!
I would love to add this game to my collection
YES.... this game would complete my retro collection. Best months of my life playing this game.....please listen to the community
Not only since "steam" now even blocks my logins with crazy mobile authification emails id like to see this diamond of classic games in my downloads! Btw. GOG could maybe even update all goodies to make them actual party games without network requirement for one PC like back in the day seen on N64 ... .
I'd play the PC version of 1998, not the steam version, because they translated things wrong and added even more translation errors overall.
I have fond memories playing the original PC port produced by Edios. While it's highly unlikely, I'd love to see the more modern Steam port of FFVII available on someday.
I want to this game on GOG because I don't like dirty DRM.
I hate to crush your hopes but there are two major easons why this initiative will fail.
1) FF VII remake is coming to PS4 - S-E will want to earn a lot on its own
2) a port of FF VII's original release is available to buy on Steam - as long as this agreement is in force I seriously doubt Gabe Newell will allows to have his competitors have the rights to distribute the legendary FF.
All Final Fantasys if possible, but at this point any will do..
(PC versions ofc..)
I guess since Reunion exists, there's a reason for it to be here.
I would enjoy having this game on GOG but to be realistic, this is probably the most difficult stuff GOG would have to tackle. Square-Enix is a lover of DRM methods, checking out the Steam Version, there is actually several DRMs linked to it, a Steam Account and a SE Account both at the same time have to be enabled, else it will not even run. Looking at this matter... people ask for a lot and SE is protecting their games at all cost. Why should they even release a GOG Version? The sells is probably so low compared to any other sells, the majority simply is enjoying it having a kick in the butt... they do anything possible in order to play it... so, GOG is somewhat out of spec here.
I could be wrong, who knows... FF7 is one of the best RPG ever made, no question but, SE is guarding their cash-cow well a non DRM release could be a nightmare in the eyes of this company. Of course, not even several DRM will prevent this game from being "robbed" but blind fate will always stay blind fate, any change is a major achievement at this spot.
One of the best games to PSone and a true classic! Please GOG, release it!
I'd buy a DRM free PC version, if they release with the console quality soundtrack, not that awful midi version of the PC port.
I have it on PS1, still play it on an emulator, but I'd buy the PC port of the entire series if they were here.
Since both PS1 and PS2 are well emulated now there's no reason to deal with Steam until you get to XIII, and that trilogy of titles were so bad I didn't even bother to finish when I owned them on PS3.
Maybe XV would convince me to buy from Steam, but the PS4 demo wasn't exactly impressive.
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