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No One Lives Forever series
I would like to get this with high resolution and: "inkl. Deutscher Sprache / Synchro").
I have a boxed copy.
I just searched for the "No One Lives Forever" trademark. It looks like Vivendi Games last owned the trademark, and they merged with Activision in 2008.
These are stuck in complicated IP hell. I'd love a team like Nightdive Studios (if they got the rights to NOLF IP) to do a remaster / remake for these games than seeing a plain release of the OG ports that have many tech issues.
If you don't believe me see the 2 PCGWiki pages:
As mentioned before
Is the best option right now.
Yes please
the real one
I hope that they bring this game series to GOG or it gets remastered by Nightdive Studios.
Yes, please.
Would do shameful things for this one to come back to modern audiences.
Would indeed.
<a href="" class="light_un" target="_blank"><br /></a> version works. Gl Hf.
It's undoable legal issue.
Nobody wants to pay money to go to court to figure out the current legal ownership of the franchise.
Please!! There's no way to currently play it.
I just realized the what it seems to be sad reality for this series. Sad.
Go here to vote on the probability of a legal re-release of NOLF (it's currently at 40%)
It's a free website where anyone can vote on (and ask) questions with play money.
So it seems like the games are stuck in a legal quagmire where no one is willing to make a move for fear of litigation from everyone else who claims to hold the copyright. So, give this site a try:
Both games have been updated for modern systems by some passionate (or crazy) fans of the series. This is, for the time being, the closest we can get to an official re-release.
necro bump
now.. nownownownownownownonwonwo
Please Get the game...
The games are funny and still in 2023 they give fun i would love to buy them!
Please released this game I want to play it again.
still hoping
The NOLF games are soo good. I have the originals but would so buy on GOG
Please do anything you can to be able to release these awesome games. I already own them but would gladly buy them again on gog.
This game has one of the highest vote count in here and it's yet to be released, gog wtf are you waiting for !?
Please deliver us from IP ownership confusion and get this re-released.
This has to happen. I don't know what's holding you back.
Whatculture just did a video on games that were critically accalaimed but no one played them I actually had this game on disc but since I have no cdrom drive anymore I sadly can't play this game would be nice for this series to get a rerelease
+1. Perhaps someone could convince Disney or whoever that raising interest in this would net them some money AND maybe generate enough demand for development of NOLF3. Appeal to their wallet. Right now they are making diddly from this since it is (to my knowledge) out of print.
Just do it!
+1 more for the sequel NOLF 2
would be awesome!
Take dollars now!
Shut up and take my money!
Need this game !
I soooo miss this game and would be great for an updated copy thats compatible with modern OS's
Good ol' noone lives forever, man
+1 Vote and +1 Comment to support such a Good Game series. Remember more Votes and Comments to the game = more chances it will be added to GoG Store!
Yes, please.
It's not available on Steam, and while I have the physical copy of the second game, it'd be nice to have the series in my library.
Absolutely iconic, I still have my disc but getting it to play is a nightmare. Please please make this come true!
Yes I would like to play the no one live forever series for the first time!
because I didn't play it before when it first released.
You can do it!! Please!!! I own the games physically but they don't run very well on Windows 10 (or 7). PLEASE! I'll buy again!
Three words: GET-IT-DONE! :)
Yea, it'd be awesome to have those two games in my collection. There was also one more, right? Project Jack, or something like that?
LOL, it's actually Contract J.A.C.K., but there ya have it. :D
This is property of Disney now, right?
Is there a limit to the copyright? Shouldn't there be some kind of legal protection against a copyright becoming so muddled in jargon? This is how good games are lost to time.
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