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Tempest Rising
Release Date Trailer:
Gamescom 2024 Trailer:
This has to be released here.
This would be a game I would love to see on GoG, it looks like a spiritual successor to C&C. Also being set in the same universe as the Bombshell games, it would be cool to see if there are any references to the other games.
Gameplay Trailer:
GDF Trailer:
Showcase 2023 Trailer:
Oh man, it would be so awesome to have this game on GOG! And would be a really nice finger to EA for not publishing C&C Collection here :D
Looks very good so far. Would love a GOG announcement.
This would be wonderful to have here!
Would love to see this game on gog :)
damned ruSSia will fall into pieces!!!
P.S. Ukraine Forever! Ukraine will win in this damned ruSSian war against Ukrainian Independence and Ukrainians!
+1 Vote and +1 Comment to support such a Good Game, remember more Votes and Comments to the game = more chances it will be added to GoG Store!
17 comments about this wish