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Warhammer: Dark Omen
Still waiting!
I also want dark omen.
A hidden gem, i bump onto it while i was checking games in old gaming CD store over 2 decades ago, found the game, bought it n played it.
Absolutely love it right from the start.
It is one of the kind RTS you wish to bring it back.
Please GOG, bring it back
"we're terrified"
++++1 is two year cmn guys ill pay you!!!
I'd rather pay for this than most of the new games today.
PLEASE !!! Dark Omen !!!
Please make it happen already GOG, we have been asking for years!
A really good old game.
Ya estáis tardando en sacar la versión de gog!
Dark Omen !!!
Christmas - released on GoG - what do you think.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Dark Omen pretty please with sugar on top ;)
1 +
No more VB fo this ;)
EA (as a general rule) don't release old games for download (with the odd exception - Sims 2 I think was available free for a short time). The thinking is that they want you to play their new releases.
Okay, so where's the 2024 version of Dark Omen then?
+1 to the death !
Dark Omen please !!!
"...and it will be a time of great strife, when the moons are united in darkness and the dead shall walk the earth once more..."
1 +
Dark Omen when please :-)
Dark Omen please :)
One of the baest game, from Warhammer franchise, please make it happen
Dark Omen please :)
If Lula GOG possible = Dark Omen GOG Win10 possible.
Call me Commander +1
We want Dark Omen, we want Dark Omen, we want Dark omen
We want Dark Omen, we want Dark Omen, we want Dark omen
We want Dark Omen, we want Dark Omen, we want Dark omen
We want Dark Omen, we want Dark Omen, we want Dark omen
What the point in a community wishlist if GOG doesn't pay any attention to it?
I would pay anything for a playable version.
do it pls
daily reminder that we will NEVER STOP ASKING
Bring it back! Pleeeeeease!
Can't believe they did this crap Mark of chaos but refuse to do this one
Do it!!! Plz! Ogarnijcie tą grę
Come on guys. Please make it happen.
EA Games own the code and Games Workshop own the graphics, so requires both to agree. There is a Dark Omen forum with help fix guides and mods, who still play multiplayer using Game Ranger.
653 comments about this wish