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Watch Dogs
complet edition watch dog
If Ubisoft is so desperate for cash, RELEASE Watch Dogs DRM free. It's been 10 years, the multiplayer is dead. It is a brilliant single player game that deserves preservation. I refuse to enter UbisoftConnect ever again, give us a reason to give your company money, Ubi. Enough is enough.
I hope we can get these older Ubisoft games. Big bonus for GOG.
The game is 10 years old, too bad Ubisoft is unwilling to sell a good game here.
I'd like to
Instant buy
Dude what i would not do for a drm-free watch dogs 2 with no ubi launcher....
plus 1
Yeah it would be nice to see one of our favourite games here. I love the whole series, but am partial to 2 (so much freedom!).
It'd be cool to see, especially if it's DRM-Free, and you don't have to deal with Ubisoft Connect bull and get rid of the bugs the PC version had.
Why does this only have 503 votes?
I'd love to see Watch Dogs 1 and the Bad Blood DLC on gog.
First Watch_Dogs was the absolute best. I'd love this to be DRM-free!
Hopefully one day.
I would love to see both Watch_Dogs games (and DLC) on GOG. I really enjoyed the first game on Wii U and bought the sequel for peanuts after buying a new PC last year. I don't even like online play, but the seamless online multiplayer in the first game was simply exhilarating and so, so satisfying.
I've seen the first game on PC for as little as $4, but I would rather have a DRM-free version, even though it's obviously going to cost more.
The game's nearly 6 years old now and the multiplayer is (mostly) inactive so a DRM-free release would be great. Plus any performance boost no matter how small would help with the poor frame-rate.
Would be cool to see it happen one day.
If not for helping all those who having problems running the game on Ubisoft and Steam for the moment.
The game is old enough to be here plus that I really really want to play the Gog Version of Watch_Dogs 1.Please please make it happen!!!
It will probably happen but not in the present the game is simply too new. Its only 2 years old. Maybe in 5-10 years form now when the game is not so popular and Ubisoft thinks that they already profited as much as they could from it and thus they wont care about the game having or not having DRM anymore. If games like Crysis, Farcry 2 and Simcity 3000 and Simcity 4. I bet Watch_Dogs 1 will end up here in its 5 or 10 year old anniversary.
i simply wont ever buy ubisoft games unless they are drm-free ... if it will never happen, so be it ... its not like there arent other great games out there
But they (GOG) won't even try if no one votes.
It will never happen if no noe votes!
Ubisoft + DRM free?
There are no votes because common sense would tell you that this will never happen.
Surprised there aren't more votes for this, I know there's plenty of hype behind it.
29 comments about this wish