by Project Aces, Bandai Namco Entertainment, Namco, Sony Computer Entertainment
Themes:Action, Warfare
Game modes:Single player
Story:Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War is a first person air combat and flight simulator. Like other Ace Combat games, each mission is determined by a level briefing and objectives. There are 32 missions in the main campaign mode, while an additional "arcade" mode puts the player in the role of Mobius One (from Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies) as he faces endless waves of enemy attacks. Regardless of the mode chosen, once in the air the player will have control over speed, direction, altitude, gun cannon, missiles and special weapon of their aircraft. A new feature from previous Ace Combat games, is the concept of Wingmen and being able to issue simple orders to them in the air. This allows the player to better coordinated group attacks as well as giving each wingman a personality of their own. Additionally, the player as squadron leader will be asked to make decisions ("Yes/No") while flying in the air. Between missions, the story is progressed through a series of cutscenes.Show more
A massive hit for the Playstation 2. Recently a free add-on for people who bought Ace Combat 7 for the Playstation 4. Would be amazing with a proper remaster although it still holds up well in it's current form. Ace Combat 7 is a direct sequel to this game, with returning characters from V showing up as supporting characters. Would love to mod the heck out of this. Macross-style unlimited, no-reload missile massacre please. PLEASE!
When history witnesses a great change, Razgriz reveals itself. First, as a dark demon. As a demon, it uses its power to rain death upon the land, and then it dies. However, after a period of slumber, Razgriz returns. This time, as a great hero.