This game is Jointly (with perfect dark) the greatest fps on n64. The graphics looked insane for the time, and the atmosphere of the game is 'old', it has a style to it that is nearly lost completely in modern games. And enemies are animated when you hit them. There are a few levels that I find very hard, and I had to restart them many times. Last time I tried to play through 00 agent without failing, I got to the train then died in the first room. The ai's predictability makes it certain that you can consider your strategy in beating the levels, which is good. I used to play this with my Dad and Step Mum I wasn't as good as them, but I think I caught up. This is what and why this matters to me, that this gets released in the right state;
I believe whoever owns the rights to this game, needs to make fresh ports of these games, instead of emulating them, because it will be much better optimized and bug free, with versatility to add dlc to it, for even more money and content for those who love these games, - given how old the games are. It should be very easy if the source code is attainable, but If not, please consider decompiling it, It'll be worth the effort. emulation has too many issues, and it's not easily expandable. unlocked fps, and Online multiplayer would be hugely welcome with one screen per player and positional audio, instead of hearing each other regardless of where we are on the map. server browser for easy joining what ever state the match is in. I believe this approach is the easiest way to get money from this, and I know people will know that whoever would work on this kind of thing actually cares about the consumer. Start with this game please, try my theory out, then once this works, you can consider doing this with every console game imaginable.
We need to hear that the companies care about old games, and bring them out of obscurity