I remember playing the 1985 C64 version (text and still image). I wonder how this one compares?
"One of the better Telarium games, Nine Princes in Amber is based on Roger Zelazny's classic sci-fi novels "Nine Princes in Ambers" and "The Guns of Avalon" that are widely hailed as a remarkable combination of light fantasy and Byzantine plotting.
At the center of reality is the land/kingdom/universe of Amber. Emanating from it are the Shadows -- other universes or realities -- and members of the royal house of Amber have the ability to walk from one Shadow to the next. In an infinity of Shadows, any world that can be imagined exists somewhere. Amber itself is more 'real' than the Shadows, and when Oberon, its ruler, disappears, it is for Amber that his nine sons compete.
With this backdrop, the game begins with you, Corwin, one of the Princes of Amber, who must compete against your brothers for the throne. As in the novel, you will travel from the real world into the fascinating fantasy world of Amber, where things are similar to our 20th century world, but imbued with subtle differences as only our minds can create."