I played this on ps3 long ago, and the co-op was AWESOME; I loved undead horde and easily sunk 100+ hours into it alone (I can't remember its exact name, but the co-op mission where you had to escort a stagecoach and protect the passenger was fun too), with my fav character was Dirty Dan Piston. Rockstar REALLY dropped the ball when they ported RDR to PC with no online mode; I read an article that modders managed to get online co op working using the ps3 emulator RPCS3 (search GTA forums for the story), and can be played on XBOX 360 emulator Xenia too, but I would gladly pay 60 bucks for a RDR on PC with working online co-op; if a few fans can get it up and running, there's no excuse for why a multi-million dollar company like Rockstar can't do the same, or just give that job to GOG if they don't care to do it.