Genres:Adventure, Hack and slash/Beat 'em up, Fighting
Themes:Action, Fantasy, Historical, Stealth
Game modes:Single player
Story:The year is 44 B.C. The grandeur of the Republic of Rome has been tarnished by political corruption and society has been overrun by unruliness and violence. Julius Caesar advocates for drastic reform but he is met with opposition and murdered.
The horrific news finds its way to the ears of one soldier, Agrippa, whose father is accused of the murder. Unfortunately, time is running out for Agrippa as his father
is to be publicly executed by the winner of the next gladiatorial event. Venture throughout ancient Rome with the help of Agrippas best friend, Octavius, and a female gladiator named switch between Agrippa and Octavius, each of whom have their own area of expertise, to rescue Agrippas father and uncover the switch
between Agrippa and Octavius, each of truth.Show more
A good remaster or remake would be fine. This Capcom game was very complete and very fun, and two different playstyles. I wish GOG could bring it back because it is one of its kind.
One of the hidden gems of the PS2. I traded the CD with a friend and seeing how amazing and brutal this game was, and about gladiators, made it an instant favorite for me. Have played it more than i can count. We need it to live forever, and with more people to know it.
Só deus sabe o quanto eu AMO esse jogo, o fato dele estar preso no PS2 e a unica forma dele ser jogado é pelo emulador me deixa completamente frustrado, é uma das maiores joias da 6 geração de consoles e até hoje somos órfãos de jogos de gladiadores com tamanha qualidade.
Oh, man I really want to play this game. Wish Capcom would remember this game someday and make a remaster/remake/sequel. I think more people should try this one cuz' it's a obscure gem of the PS2 era. ~
this game was one of the best ps2 games of my childhood, no more to say story simple, in one line, and stay chill, really wanna get the file itself to play it whenever i want
One of the most UNDERRATED games by capcom. This game was my childhood, i loved this game to death, i still own it on my ps2 but I'd love to have it on pc which is where I'm mostly spending my time on. PLEASE GOG BRING IT BACK! AND CAPCOM PLEASE GIVE IT SOME LOVE, WE NEED IT BACK AS WELL AS THE CANCELED SEQUEL!
How this game did not get a PC release is beyond comprehension. The game is incredible! No game based on gladiators has come close to this. Complete and total carnage! Plus stealth and chariot races?
This bring back so many good memories from my PS2 time. I absolutely loved this game even though i never managed to finish it (my english wasn't good enough to understand what i had to do during the stealth mission lol, same reason i never finished splinter cell), but I still enjoyed the sotry and specially the gameplay. Would love to own it again, not only because of the memories but it is legit a good game.
The precursor to Dead Rising. This underrated gem was a unique game that had both melee combat action aswell as stealth and puzzle elements. Wish it could come back some way, as unlike other Capcom games, this one has not seen the light of day for years.
My friend and I decided to buy a game each and lend one to the other when we were done. I got God of War, he got Shadow of Rome. I finished God of War in 3 days and never touched it again, Shadow of Rome I played for weeks and cried when I returned it.