Story:Star Wars Trilogy Arcade is an arcade game first released in 1998. The game is a 3-D rail shooter based on the original trilogy of Star Wars films and was released along with the special editions of these films. Sega also released an accompanying pinball game. The game is not to be confused with Star Wars Arcade, another Star Wars game released to arcades by Sega in 1993.Show more
SEGA at its best! Back when I was a kid, I would never miss a chance to play this game at Chuck E Cheese's! Snappy controls, great graphics, classic soundtrack - and the lightsaber sections *chef's kiss*
If this is were Vader is the Last Boss were you Fight with Saber this was one of my favorite
Coin Arcade game i played in Helsinki Local arcade store. 90s!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Teenage years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Want this game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I remember as a kid I used to spend hours flying around and trying to defeat Vader!!! This is my childhood. Its one of those experiences you never forget!!!!!!!