I won't sugar coat this the worst TMNT: Tournament Fighters game. I may dislike the Genesis counterpart game more. But I can't ignore the problems this one had. Such as the console simply wasn't meant for fighting games. Technically speaking a mode in an Double Dragons game the best you'll get on the system. The game has difficulty playing when hacked to have two Hotheads in one match. Stuff like that is easily taken care of in TMNT: The Cowabunga Collection. In terms of content it's the smallest by far. The smallest roster that barely works. A handful of stages which can get old fast. The modes are actually done quite well. Parts of the controls as well as mechanics takes a little time getting use to. A major problem even if it's limitation is the turtles don't have their weapons. Not to mention, how they decided to help differ em from each other a bit weird. All of them are colored vastly differently. Some are more what you would've expect from P2 selection colors. They also have a mode the other doesn't have. Otherwise they virtually play identically to each other. Easily the worst version of the turtles within TMNT: The Cowabunga Collection. This also was release in 1994 the same year as Wario's Woods on the system. Which was among the last games of it's run. Obviously not among the best of those. I will say unlike the Genesis TMNT fighting game, this does feel like an TMNT game. The huge recommendation is simply go play the superior SNES counterpart game instead.